djviva (時鼠無奈)
2019-05-22 13:37:34https://tinyurl.com/y5qu2f6l
“The season is still ongoing. We are not finished. I have no new ideas or
data for you,"
"We love Klay and KD and intend to attempt to re-sign them. Period. I am
confident about BOTH of them. But it is their choice to do what is best for
them. They have earned that right. Our goal is to keep our team together. We
are pretty good.”
The latest rumors regarding Durant suggest that it's "100 percent done" that
he's headed to the New York Knicks, and that head coach Steve Kerr may be a
reason he wants to leave the Warriors.
13-14球季是1.68億(美金), 初奪冠的14-15是2億美
15-16是3.05億, 16-17是3.59億, 去年17-18則是4.01億美金, 今年可望持續成長
而根據這篇報導本季勇士球員薪資部分支出約是1.95億 = 1.45億薪資 + 0.5億奢侈稅
If they re-sign Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson to max salaries, keep everyone
under contract, sign their own draft picks and fill the rest of their roster
with minimum-salary free agents, the Warriors’ spending on players next
season would project to hit about $355 million (about $173 million in salary,
about $182 million in luxury tax).
今夏都用頂薪留下KD跟K湯, 其他該做的正常做
則下季的球員薪資部分支出約是3.55億 = 1.73億薪資 + 1.82億奢侈稅
Internally, the Warriors project a nine-figure increase in revenue when they
move into the Chase Center next season, sources said.
消息指出, 下季搬去Chase Center新球場後, 預期可多進帳九位數(1億美金)
所以啊, 勇士老闆有心有錢來留下KD跟K湯, 以及明年夏天的嘴綠
※ 引述《fack3170 (Jくん)》之銘言:
: 勇士老闆:我有信心能夠同時續約Durant和Klay
: https://i.imgur.com/qEATkcW.png
: 虎撲5月22日訊據美國記者Tim Kawakami報導,勇士老闆Joe Lacob在接受采訪時說道:“
: 我們都很愛Klay和KD,我們打算和他們續約,而且我有信心把他們兩個都留下來。”
: “但這是他們的選擇,他們有權利選擇他們認為最好的,我們的目標是保持球隊的完整,
: 我們做的很好。我們在財務上可以做任何我們想要做的事,所以錢不是阻擋我們球隊繼續
: 前進的原因,我們有能力給我們球員他們應得的薪水。”
: “即使不是頂尖球隊,我們也將繼續擁有一支優秀的球隊,並且盡我們所能保持球隊有能
: 力爭冠。我們將一直保持進取心,沒有人會比我們付出更多,沒有人會比我們更努力。”
: Kevin Durant將在2019夏天成為自由球員,Klay Thompson合同將在2019年夏天到期。
: https://m.hupu.com/nba/news/2434468.html
: KD和K湯最後應該還是會留在勇士