Luke Walton was the right coach for Lakers.
Silver證實R.Paul接洽他,因為R.Paul認為Luke Walton不適合作為湖人教練。
During an interview on ESPN's 「Get Up,」 Silver confirmed that Paul expressed
concerns about Walton's fit with James:
ESPN節目Get Up中,Silver證實R.Paul向他表達擔心Walton對於LBJ的適任性:
「He was in the same restaurant,」 Silver said. 「There were two people sittin
g there. He sat down for a second, and I think he said something along the lin
es that, 『Luke Walton is not the right guy to coach LeBron.』
「一樣的老餐廳,就兩個人坐著,他才坐下一秒就說『Luke Walton不是那個能執教LBJ的
正確人選 』這之類的。」
「My reaction was to shrug my shoulders and maybe say, 『Well, who do you thin
k is the right guy to coach?』 And he mentioned a name and that was that.」
「我聳肩然後說『好吧,你認為誰能執教LBJ? 』這之類的話,他提出一個人名,就這樣