來源: USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/yycq9hw8 Warriors' Andre Iguodala left wide open for NBA Finals Game 2-clinching 3-pointer 勇士在Iguodala在Game 2最後大空檔投進關鍵三分球 TORONTO — The Golden State Warriors had just defeated the Toronto Raptors, 109-104, in Game 2 of the NBA Finals on Sunday night, but Steph Curry wasn’t finished with the Raptors. 勇士在今晚總冠軍系列戰的Game 2以109-104拿下勝利,擊敗暴龍,但是Steph Curry跟暴 龍還沒完。' He took aim during a postgame interview on the court with ABC’s Doris Burke, who asked Curry for his thoughts on the game-clinching 3-pointer from Warriors swingman Andre Iguodala. 他在場上接受ABC記者Doris Burke的訪問,被問到對於小AI那個最後關鍵三分球。 Moments before the shot, Curry nearly threw the ball away before it ended up in the hands of Iguodala, who made the 3-pointer with 5.9 seconds left to play — sealing the victory and evening the series 1-1. 在那球之前,Curry差點就把球弄丟,最後到了小AI手上,在時間剩下5.9秒的時候投進了 那顆關鍵三分球