Kshatri (No sé)
2019-06-15 14:58:51※ 引述《Malpais (Malpais)》之銘言:
: 奧克蘭當地 Alameda County 郡警察局發言人週五早上證實
: 警方將以襲警輕罪控告多倫多暴龍籃球事務總裁兼 GM 的 Masai Ujiri
: 昨晚 G6 結束後 Ujiri 在現場和負責球場維安的郡警發生肢體衝突
: 賽後 Ujiri 第一時間沒有向在場警察出示證件 因而被阻止進入場上和球員一起慶祝
: 警方指控 Ujiri 在被攔下後推了警察兩次還打了警察的臉
Masai Ujiri has been accused of shoving and striking an Alameda County
sheriff’s deputy during an altercation at Oracle Arena after Game 6 of
the NBA Finals. A spokesman for the sheriff’s office issued the following
statement about the incident:
在NBA總決賽第六場比賽後,Masai Ujiri 被指控在勇士主場發生爭執,期間推擠
“Mr. Ujiri was unknown to the deputy at that time. He [the deputy] asked
him for a credential. He shoved the deputy out of the way and walked toward
the court. The deputy pushed back. The president came forward more with a
more significant push and ended up striking the deputy in the face.”
『當時副屬警員不認識 Ujiri 先生。他(警員)要求他提供證件。他撞開了副手,
That sounds pretty bad, but it may not be the final word on the story, as
several witnesses have come to the defense of the Toronto Raptors’ general
Greg Wiener, a Golden State Warriors season ticket holder disputes the
sheriff’s claim, according to Rob Gillies of the AP:
根據美聯社 Rob Gillies 的說法,勇士隊季票持有者 Greg Wiener 對於治安官的
"Greg Wiener, a season ticket holder who was standing next to the officer,
told The Associated Press the police are not telling the truth and are
trying to cover up for what the officer did. He said Masai Ujiri never
struck the officer in the face or asked for a credential."
『當時站在警員旁邊的季票持有人 Greg Wiener 告訴美聯社,警員沒有說實話,而
是企圖掩蓋警方的所作所為。他說 Masai Ujiri 從未毆打警員臉部,或者要求獲得
Meanwhile, this video shows Ujiri holding his credential as he watches the
end of the game and heads to the floor to celebrate:
此外,現場影片可以看到 Ujiri 看螢幕上的比賽結束時,手上帶著證件:
We also have video of Kyle Lowry yanking Ujiri away from the officer:
我們同時可看到 Kyle Lowry 拉著 Ujiri 離開警員的影片:
We’ll keep you updated as to what happens next in this story.