Iguodala最近出新書 'The Sixth Man',上廣播訪談
訪談完整影片:https://youtu.be/Qm14UTodDCw ,最近大部分他的新聞都從這出來的
虎撲有人做聽譯 https://bbs.hupu.com/28139 ,稍微修飾用詞貼出:
1. 小AI說跟腱受傷和之前小腿受傷無關
2. 於是主持人問,這麼說你是不是覺得勇管沒有責任了?
3. 小AI先誇獎說訓練團隊把KD帶回來了(get him back ,算不算恢復了看各人理解)
4. 小AI並沒有譴責隊友,因為小AI說當傷患的隊友「更難」
Does Warriors organization take any blame for what happened to KD?
I dont think his injury was a reason of the other injury, because the weight
the body set up at the calf should have went out first before Achilles, so
that was like active guy like the Achilles just dont go out, no matter if he
was injured before that or not.
you dont think warriors had any responsibility would maybe pushing
KD out there too soon
We have a really good training staff. I’ll give credit where credit’s due.
Our training staff is one of the best in the world. And I feel like they got
him back.
覺訓練團隊把他帶回來了(got him back字面意思是把他帶回來了,我理解意思應該是使
The tough thing is, when you’re an athlete and you’re hurt, everybody is
looking at you sideways. And then it being his teammate is harder, because
everyone is feeding stuff in our head. 「When is KD coming back? When is KD
coming back?」
Last year, it happened to me. I missed last three games of the Houston
series. It goes to Game 7. We barely get out of that series. And now they’re
looking at me like, 「When are you coming back?」 And I had a fractured leg.
But it’s being put out there like, 「You’ve got a bone bruise.」 I’m like,
「Nah, it’s fractured.」 So, I’m fighting with the team. I’m fighting with
people. I’m fighting with the media. And then my teammates ask me every day,
「How you feeling? How you feeling?」
他們看著我,「你什麼時候回來?」而我骨折了。公開說法是「骨挫傷(bone bruise)
So, with K, he’s getting it from everywhere, too. not just from the team,
but from family, or from people close to him, you know, "this is our moment"
"this is our stage" you know "this don't last for ever", and what did they
always say in sports, so 「he was tough guy, he played through injuries」.
you're validated as an athlete if you win a championship or how tough you
work. If you sit out there it's like "nah he's not tough". Like you think
about the history of sports, it's all about people's perception of you and
they want to get their gratification through you for themselves and that's
just the way of sports
那個時刻了」 「這就是那個舞臺了」 「這機會不常有」 . 在體育中人們常說「他帶傷