teeeeee (日夜不分)
2019-07-06 23:12:18※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源: Bleacher Report
: 網址: http://tinyurl.com/y6epyubq
: Paul George Says Free-Agency Discussion with Kawhi Leonard Is 'Between Us'
: Paul George說跟與Kawhi Leonard討論FA的內容只"限於他們兩個知道"
: Toronto Raptors star Kawhi Leonard can opt out of his contract and hit free
: agency this summer. Apparently, he reached out to a peer who was in a similar
: situation last year to get his insight.
: 多倫多暴龍明星Kawhi Leonard在今年夏天可以選擇跳出合約,成為FA。很顯然地,他找了
: 另外一個之前有過跟他情況類似的球員,想聽一下他的意見。
: Oklahoma City Thunder star Paul George said Friday he had spoken with
: Leonard. George declined to elaborate on what was said, telling reporters,
: "That's between us," per TSN's Josh Lewenberg.
: 根據TSN記者Josh Lewenberg,Paul George星期五的時候說他有跟Leonard聊過,但是
: George拒絕透露詳細的內容,跟記者說,「那只限於我跟他兩個知道。」
: Nobody can say George was guilty of tampering because the Thunder have almost
: no shot of landing Leonard in free agency. Oklahoma City is set to be almost
: $39.6 million over the salary cap, so it won't be making any big moves over
: the summer.
: 沒有人可以說George有違規招募的嫌疑,因為雷霆今年夏天幾乎是沒機會得到Leonard的。
: 雷霆目前超過薪資帽3960萬鎂,所以今年夏天是不會作什麼大動作的。
: Leonard couldn't have looked toward a better confidant since George was
: essentially in the same shoes.
: 因為George之前幾乎跟Leonard現在是一模一樣的狀況,George對Leonard來說是不二人
: 選。
: The Thunder acquired him in a trade from the Indiana Pacers when he was a
: year away from free agency. Many wondered if George would effectively be a
: one-year rental for OKC before he signed with the Los Angeles Lakers.
: Instead, he stayed with the Thunder, signing a four-year, $136.9 million
: extension.
: 雷霆是在PG跟溜馬合約還有一年成為FA之前交易過來的,那時很多人懷疑雷霆這樣的一年
: "租約",之後他可能跟湖人簽約的狀況下,會不會在雷霆有有效率的表現。然而,他在那
: 之後選擇留下,續了4年1億3690萬的約。
: George told Bleacher Report's Master Tesfatsion he had envisioned going to
: Los Angeles at one time but discovered he felt comfortable in Oklahoma City
: and wanted to remain there.
: George跟BR記者說他曾經有認為自己會去湖人,但是後來發現在雷霆更舒適,決定留在雷
: 霆。
: Perhaps that's the message he conveyed to Leonard.
: 或許那也可能是他跟Leonard講的內容。
: Like George, Leonard is a native of Southern California, and Sporting News'
: Sean Deveney reported the Los Angeles Clippers have "confidence that they
: could lure Leonard into the blue-and-red next summer."
: 就跟George一樣,Leonard也是出身南加州,而根據Sporting News記者Sean Deveney報
: 導,快艇"很有信心,會在今年夏天把Leonard帶到快艇"。
: The Clippers are projected to have almost $59.7 million in cap space, which
: is more than enough to give Leonard a max deal and potentially add another
: marquee free agent as well.
: 快艇預計會有5970萬鎂的薪資空間,足夠給Leonard頂約外,還有一些空間可以找其他不錯
: 的FA。
: But Leonard may be enjoying Toronto more than he imagined when he first
: arrived from the San Antonio Spurs. Let's not forgot ESPN.com's Chris Haynes
: reported last July the two-time Defensive Player of the Year had "no desire"
: to play for the Raptors.
: 但是,Leonard現在可能比他之前剛被交易到暴龍前所預想的還要喜歡多倫多。不要忘了
: ESPN記者Chris Haynes去年七月報導,這兩屆年度防守球員曾說"沒有意願為暴龍打球"。
: If Leonard ends up spurning a Los Angeles franchise just as George did,
: Raptors fans may owe a debt of gratitude to a player they once considered a
: conference rival.
: 如果Leonard最後就跟George一樣也沒加入洛杉磯的球隊的話,暴龍粉可能要感激一下這一
: 度被他們視為分區敵人的George了。