[外絮] CP3做為工會主席不受歡迎

作者: monmo (Gentleman monmo)   2019-07-16 11:11:23
The NBA’s 2017 Collective Bargaining Agreement helped star players.
A new super-max contract allows players with eight or nine years experience
to earn more money than they would’ve otherwise. The regular max increased.
The over-36 rule became the over-38 rule, which applies to everyone, but
stars are far more likely to get offered long-term deals that deep into their
The National Basketball Players Association president: Chris Paul. Two
members of the executive board at that time: LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony.
Paul and LeBron were too experienced to benefit from the super max. But they
signed larger max deals last summer than they could’ve under the previous
system – Paul with the Rockets, LeBron with the Lakers.
With Paul getting traded to the Thunder for Russell Westbrook, players don’t
exactly sound enamored with their union president.
Ethan Sherwood Strauss of The Athletic:
The reign of CP3 is not popular with the NBA’s lower classes
Some players around the league laughed when union president Chris Paul and
his massive contract got dealt to the rebuilding Thunder for Russell
Westbrook. Why? Because Paul’s regime is not viewed as one devoted to
serving the NBA’s middle and lower classes.
“They advocate for the interests of max players and super-max players,” one
veteran player said of Paul and company. “Basically, the CBA has helped the
whole banana boat crew from back in the day. It’s taken from the midlevel. I
think middle-tier players aren’t getting that mid level money anymore.
“I think just that huge super max has had cost. Teams are putting all their
eggs in one basket to keep that super-max guy. It’s dried up the salary cap.
I don’t see it as sustainable long term.”
Players collectively receive a certain percentage of revenue. Two major
questions in CBA negotiations: What percentage of revenue should that be? How
should players divide that share?
This griping is about the second question.
If no there were no individual max salary, superstars would get paid even
more. They’re so important – both on the court and as marketing forces. A
single player can swing a franchise far more in basketball than any other
major team sport.
The CBA already restricts stars’ earnings, leaving more money for
middle-class players.
Legitimate questions exist about whether stars should face even stiffer
restrictions. There are far more middle-class players, after all. In a
one-person, one-vote union, the middle-class majority holds more power. They
could use it to out-vote Paul and other stars on anything. They could even
oust Paul.
But don’t get it twisted: Stars are already sacrificing so middle-class
players can earn more.
大意是說新版CBA讓8~9年以上的球星發大財 當時工會主席是CP3
兩位執行委員是皇帝跟瓜哥 而像皇帝跟CP3都發大財了
這導致CP3受到不少球員的反彈 尤其是中下階層的球員們
因為認為他優先考慮球星的福利 甚至他被交易時不少人是開心的
未署名球員認為(應該不是JR) 他們(CP3與好友)主張頂薪與超級頂薪球員們的利益
認為CBA是在幫助香蕉船兄弟們發大財 卻是取自中產階級的錢
薪資上限被用光 而他不認為這會是長期可持續的情況
不過這則報導後面也有平衡報導 說到籃球巨星比起其他團隊運動本就更重要更有特權
如果沒有限制他們甚至可以拿到更多錢 CBA已經有限制球星收入 球星已有犧牲
而為中產階級留下一些錢 不過球員們始終是一人一票不分階級
中下階層的球員們始終是多數 他們也許有權力於工會推翻CP3甚至其他球星的政權
作者: SwissMiniGun (瑞士迷你槍)   2019-07-16 11:13:00
所以說瓜哥呢 好兄弟沒能願意讓他搭車嗎...
作者: jimmyjou2006 (peaker)   2019-07-16 11:13:00
作者: WalkerLonnie (LonnieWalker)   2019-07-16 11:14:00
蠻有趣的 球隊老闆的思維真的是用頂薪給大咖 底薪或中產補綠葉 那種一千多萬不上不下的最不想開好像莫雷說過吧
作者: SamDalembert (FA)   2019-07-16 11:19:00
現實中很多養老中產也自願底薪圓夢 制度算符合潮流
作者: vincecarterx (超複雜)   2019-07-16 11:19:00
cp3打成這樣還好意思簽頂薪 自己發大財了
作者: SamDalembert (FA)   2019-07-16 11:22:00
30隊用60+個頂薪/超頂薪搶球星 一定有賺溢價的球員
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2019-07-16 11:25:00
作者: SamDalembert (FA)   2019-07-16 11:26:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2019-07-16 11:52:00
頂薪球員都算少拿了 開放上限薪水只會更高
作者: bryanyang507 (阿諭)   2019-07-16 12:05:00
事實啊 現在根本兩極化
作者: transformer8 (金剛變形)   2019-07-16 13:13:00
重點現在根本沒超巨身手也領超巨 薪水阿而且每個人頂薪都一樣 自己覺得不好玩 什麼年代了自由市場,競價怎麼了?看看足球多少國家競爭人家也競價阿
作者: sasakihiroto (白狗)   2019-07-16 14:12:00
作者: Hohenzollern   2019-07-16 15:45:00
球隊就不想花一千多萬年薪簽一堆功能型球員薪資上限一億多 簽幾個頂薪球星在季後賽才走的遠簽十個一千萬元等級的球員 頂多是例行賽戰績不錯而且前提是教練要會用人
作者: onegaisimasu (Onegaisimasu)   2019-07-16 21:42:00

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