底下也是很多人在酸misinformed and uneducated。
NBA All-Star LeBron James Refuses To ‘Be A Witness’ Against Darfur Genocide
FAIZ SHAKIR MAY 24, 2007, 2:17 PM
The Cleveland Cavaliers’ Ira Newble recently wrote an open letter
criticizing China’s role in the Darfur genocide, urging fellow basketball
players to pressure China to change its policy ahead of the 2008 Summer
Olympics. “China cannot be a legitimate host to the premier international
event in the sporting world─the Summer Olympic Games─while it remains
complicit in the terrible suffering and destruction that continues to this
day,” the letter stated.
騎士隊的 Ira Newble 近期(指2007年當時)寫了一封公開信,
While most of Newble’s teammates signed the letter, only two did not: Damon
Jones and LeBron James. James, one of the NBA’s most recognizable faces, is
a perennial all-star and was named a tri-captain of the 2006 USA World
Championship Team. In an op-ed in today’s Christian Science Monitor, NYU
history professor Jonathan Zimmerman explains the dynamics behind Jones and
James’s decision:
大多數的隊員都簽名,只有兩人沒有:Damon Jones 和 LeBron James 。
對此,NTY歷史教授Jonathan Zimmerman表示:
James said he didn’t have enough information about the issue to take a
stand. Mr. Jones wouldn’t comment. We can choose to take them at their word,
of course — or we can follow the money. Jones has an endorsement contract
with an up-and-coming Chinese shoe and apparel company. James has a $90
million deal with Nike, which has huge business interests in China.
James 稱他對於這個議題並不清楚,所以不適合表明立場。
Ironically, LeBron James has not decided whether he will compete in Beijing.
But in the real battle, over Darfur, James has elected to stay on the
sidelines. That’s his right, of course. And the rest of us have the right to
call his behavior what it is.
作者: hayabusa2004 (飛翔鳥人) 2019-10-15 13:22:00
果然是智將姆斯 那時中國才剛崛起 就看到人民幣了當時只是不表態 今天是嘴莫雷多事害人沒錢賺智將:什麼自己人 他是白人