Re: [花邊] 喬丹:Curry仍然不是名人堂的球星

作者: jackie0414 (哇哈哈)   2019-10-22 22:00:44
※ 引述《kyle5241 (Kyle Korver)》之銘言:
: Michael Jordan Says Steph Curry Isn't a Hall of Famer Yet: 'Still a Great
: Player'
: 喬丹:咖哩不是名人堂球星,但仍然是一個好球員
: While speaking to Craig Melvin on Today, Michael Jordan said that Steph Curry
: still has a ways to go before he deserves to be a Hall of Famer.
: 喬丹說Curry距離成為名人堂球星仍然有一段路要走
: Jordan was asked by Melvin if he would amend the list of players he said
: would be unbeatable in a pickup game in a promotion for NBA 2K14 back in
: 2013. At the time, Jordan picked Hakeem Olajuwon, Magic Johnson, Scottie
: Pippen, and James Worthy. The NBA legend said that he wouldn't change the
: lineup even though six years had passed since he made the list. "When I'm
: going in the trenches, I played against and with all these guys. I'm going
: with who I know," Jordan said.
: 被問到他是否會更改在2013所提出關鍵時刻無敵的隊伍清單:歐拉朱萬、魔術、
: 皮本、James worthy。他說不會:"當我上戰場時,我跟這些人對抗,所以我選擇
: 我知道的人。"
: Melvin replied: "So, Steph Curry shouldn't be offended when he watches this."
: Melvin說:"所以,當Curry看到這段的時候,不應該覺得被冒犯"
: And then Jordan said this of the Golden State Warriors star and three-time
: NBA champion: "I hope not. He's still a great player. Not a Hall of Famer yet
: though."
: 喬丹也對Curry說:"希望不會(感到冒犯),他仍然是一個很棒的球員,只是還
: 不是名人堂球員
: Check out the aforementioned exchange up top via YouTube. The portion in
: question begins at around the 3:40 mark.
: 心得:
: 竟然說一個100%進名人堂的球員不是名人堂球員
: 對KD,Curry >西河,一個連兩季平均大三元的男人
: 不知道喬丹對於西河的評價是如何? (西河是喬丹牌代言人)
根據影片 從3:40開始
他回答不會 他只選擇他知道且有對戰過的人 而他選的這些人都代表著偉大
這時這位記者突然提到Curry(老實說 這到底干Curry啥事)
MJ搖了一下頭後說了上面那段話 兩個人開始大笑
然後MJ說了 Cheers, my friend後兩人乾了杯
1.MJ的口氣和說完話後的動作 很明顯是在開玩笑
記者突然問了Curry 於是他說Curry是很棒的球員 但"目前"的確還不是名人堂成員
作者: walter741225 (瓦特)   2019-10-22 22:49:00
阿這就喬丹式幹話阿 記者講到現役哪一位夠優秀的 喬丹大概都會這樣嘴
作者: fantasyscure (台灣狼)   2019-10-23 04:53:00
SC季候賽澇賽的太嚴重 真可惜
作者: howard007689 (豪)   2019-10-23 11:47:00

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