※ 引述《namie810303 (NBA)》之銘言:
: 到底何時勇士最引以為傲 自己養出來的追夢綠
: 會跟一個35歲老頭黃金交叉的如此厲害
: 遙想三年前
: 文章代碼(AID): #1MYIUu7G
: 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1451829176.A.1D0.html
: □ [心得] 隊上有追夢綠比較好還是姆斯
: 下面的風向大概7:3認為追夢綠 比RMBJ好太多了
: 簡單節錄版友的評論 (為了避免說檢討版友就不列出ID只列發言 有興趣在自己去看是
: 1.DG是真的幫助球隊進化 LBJ是犧牲隊友數據
: 2.姆斯退化中 嘴綠進化中 你說呢
: 3.DG 三分比LBJ強太多
: 哪裡低阿 DG就撞人吃虧一點 三分屌打姆斯N條街
: 4.強一定是姆斯強,好搭一定是追夢綠好搭
: 5.DG如果照LBJ那種打法來打 數據絕對能跟LBJ差不多
: 6.Green 25歲就一冠了 母斯25歲不知道在幹嘛 還要轉隊
: 有人能告訴我 為什麼 追夢綠這三年竟然退化得如此厲害
: 給他機會單獨帶隊 4年一億元的高薪
: 打得比當年被嘲諷 8分8籃板 姆斯我老闆的TT還慘烈
: 還讓一堆相當懂籃球的版友看走眼了 有人知道勇士自己養的綠 到底發生什麼事情嗎
“I hate when guys come up to me and say, ‘You can’t carry a team, you can’
t do this, you can’t do that,'” Green said on the podcast.
“But how good were you (Pierce) at carrying a team? And by the way, it hasn’
t really been proven that I can’t, or that I don’t. It hasn’t been proven.
“But it’s proven with you, because you couldn’t win. Just because you’re s
coring points that doesn’t mean you were carrying the team. If you couldn’t
get anywhere, if you couldn’t do nothing, where were you carrying them to? “
I think people tend to forget that and people will look at numbers, but someti
mes they’re empty stats if you’re not really getting the job done. Maybe you
’re getting your numbers done, but you’re not really getting the job done.
“Pierce had had an amazing career. He was a beast. But how far was he carryin
g those teams? If you weren’t carrying them that far, I guess we’re in the s
ame boat.”
自從兩年前綠噴這些東西的時候 自己就很期待嘴綠帶隊 沒想到他選擇留在勇士 讓我難
過了一下 結果沒想到他終於有機會能夠帶隊了! 果然啊...... 讓管理層在苦惱要選哪
位高順位樂透新秀了呢XD 我家老皮可是在黑暗時期前後都有帶到季後賽 甚至到東冠喔~
在大哥和二哥的保護之下 不停放話惹到不少球迷 不能怪我們現在要好好地鞭他一波呢~
Prayers up for Luka.