今天 CNN 新聞引述一篇 2010 年 GQ 雜誌
關於 Kobe 為什麼選擇直升機當交通工具的專訪:
"He takes a private helicopter from Orange County, where he lives... to every
home game. It's a nice dash of glitz, a touch of showbiz... But Bryant says
the helicopter is just another tool for maintaining his body. It's no
different than his weights or his whirlpool tubs or his custom-made Nikes.
Given his broken finger, his fragile knees, his sore back and achy feet, not
to mention his chronic agita, Bryant can't sit in a car for two hours." The
helicopter "Ensures that he gets to staples center feeling fresh, that his
body is warm and loose and fluid as mercury when he steps onto the court."
老大選擇直升機來回住家與湖人主場之間, 並不是為了炫耀
畢竟經過多年征戰後, 他的手指膝蓋背部腳踝都有傷勢
他其實還有慢性焦慮症, 無法忍受坐在車內超過兩小時
而直昇機確保他在抵達球場時身體依然能保持溫暖, 鬆弛, 輕鬆自如
※ 引述《sinker5566 (伸卡56)》之銘言:
: Jay Williams on Kobe's insane work ethic
: 前公牛球員Jay Williams曾經說過:
: 「I always tried to outwork people!」