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2020-01-28 01:37:48老大走了
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引述《RedChoi ( )》之銘言:
: 消息來源:
: ABC-CBN News
: https://reurl.cc/9zl14O
: 內容:
: MANILA — Malacañang condoled Monday with the family and supporters of
: basketball great Kobe Bryant after his shock death.
: Bryant, a 5-time NBA champion with the Los Angeles Lakers and 2-time Olympic
: gold medalist, died in a fiery helicopter crash in suburban Los Angeles that
: also claimed the life of his 13-year-old daughter and 7 others.
: The 41-year-old Bryant "was a frequent visitor in the Philippines" and
: "well-loved" by fans here, said Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo.
: 馬拉卡南宮(菲律賓總統府)星期一在Kobe不幸的消息後與他的支持者一同哀悼。
: Kobe是洛杉磯湖人隊的5屆NBA冠軍成員,也是2屆奧運金牌得主。他不幸罹難於洛杉磯郊區
: 的一起直昇機意外中,這也奪去了他13歲的女兒和另外7個人的生命。
: 總統府發言人Salvador Panelo說,享年41歲的Kobe"是菲律賓的常客",並在這裡受到粉絲
: 的喜愛。
: "On the hard court, he was a sight to behold with his dexterity and accuracy
: in sinking that ball in the ring. He was a master of his craft. The
: basketball world has lost one of its legendary greats," he said in a
: statement.
: Malacañang "extends its deepest condolences to the family, friends,
: colleagues, loved ones and fans around the globe who Kobe left behind," he
: said.
: "We share in their grief," Panelo added.
: 他在一份聲明中說:"在艱苦的賽場上,以出色的技巧和精準性將球投入籃中是他的意象。
: 他是個技巧大師。籃球界失去了一位傳奇人物。"
: "馬拉卡南宮向Kobe的家人、朋友、同事、親人和粉絲致以最深切的慰問。"
: "我們同情他們。"Panelo補充說道。
: There were no survivors when the helicopter carrying Bryant crashed in foggy
: weather in the suburb of Calabasas, where it caused a brush fire, authorities
: said.
: The retired NBA star, 41, and his daughter Gianna were flying to a game she
: was expected to play in, according to US reports. Local media said the other
: victims included another player, a parent, and the pilot. With a report from
: Agence France-Presse.
: 當局說,當Kobe的直昇機在大霧天氣中於卡拉巴薩斯郊區墜毀時沒有倖存者。
: 據美國報導,這位41歲的退休NBA球星和他的女兒Gianna正在飛往她預計會參加的比賽。
: 法新社報導說,當地媒體表示其他罹難者包括另一名球員、家人和飛行員。
: 短評或心得:
: 一位巨星的影響力就是能夠深入世界的每一個角落。