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Los Angeles Times洛杉磯時報
Key events in the Kobe Bryant case
June 30, 2003: Bryant flies to Eagle, Colo., to undergo knee surgery in nearb
y Vail. Bryant checks in at the Lodge & Spa at Cordillera in Edwards. A 19-ye
ar-old woman working as the front desk clerk accompanies Bryant on a tour. Sh
e later goes to Bryant’s hotel room, where she says he rapes her.
2003年6月30日: Kobe飛到克羅拉多鷹郡進行膝蓋手術,入住了一家位於Edward一家
July 1: Bryant undergoes knee surgery. Bryant’s accuser reports the alleged
sexual assault to the Eagle County Sheriff’s Department. Late at night, Ea
gle County sheriff’s investigators interview Bryant and collect evidence fr
om his room.
2003年7月1日: Kobe進行了膝蓋手術,而被告也在同一日向鷹郡警局告發Kobe對她
July 7: Dist. Atty. Mark Hurlbert says: “It’s possible [Bryant] could be
charged with sexual assault, it’s possible he could not be charged with
anything. It’s possible he could be charged with something else.”
2003年7月7日:地區檢察官說: Kobe確實有可能因為性侵案而遭到起訴,也可
July 18: Bryant is charged with one count of felony sexual assault. Bryan
t, flanked by his wife and attorneys, holds a news conference at Staples
Center. He admits committing adultery but says “I’m innocent” of assault.
2003年7月18日: Kobe因涉及傷害的性侵案件而遭到起訴。Kobe在他老婆及辯
護律師們的陪同下,在Staples Center舉行記者會。Kobe承認了通姦但矢口否
May 11, 2004: Bryant enters a plea of not guilty in criminal case.
2004年5月11日: Kobe在刑事訴訟的方面進行無罪申訴。
June 24: A court reporter mistakenly e-mails transcripts of a closed-doo
r hearing to seven news organizations, including The Times. In the trans
cripts, a DNA expert details evidence bolstering a defense contention th
at Bryant’s accuser had sex with someone else soon after the alleged rape.
2004年6月24日: 法庭書記官意外地將非公開聽證會的記錄發給了7家媒體
Aug. 10: Accuser files civil suit against Bryant, seeking unspecified damages.
2004年8月10日: 控方對Kobe提起民事訴訟並提出索賠。
Sept. 1: Prosecutors say they will drop the criminal case. In a statem
ent, Hurlbert says: “The victim has informed us ... that she does not
want to proceed with this trial. For this reason, and this reason onl
y, the case is being dismissed.”
2004年9月1日: 檢察官說他們會撤銷刑事訴訟。 地區檢察官說:受
Nov. 17: First hearing in civil lawsuit. Attorneys indicate they have
discussed the possibility of reaching a settlement.
2004年11月17日: 首次民事訴訟聽證會。 檢察官指出他們已經討
Jan. 9, 2005: Lin Wood, the accuser’s attorney, says woman decided
against filing a parallel suit in California.
2005年1月9日: 控方律師說控方決定不另外在加州提起訴訟。
Feb. 2: U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch orders both sides to
stop leaking “scandalous” information in public filings and exp
resses hope for a summer trial.
2005年2月2日: 美國地方法官要求雙方不要洩露公開呈報
March 2: A settlement in the case is announced but no terms are disclosed.
2005年3月2日: 雙方達成和解但詳細內容並沒有透露。
作者: unidentified (阿醜) 2020-01-29 10:23:00