12-year veteran Joakim Noah is hopeful to play in the NBA this season. Noah wa
s scheduled to work out for the Los Angeles Clippers before training camp. How
ever, he suffered a minor injury which caused the workout to be postponed.
擁有12年經驗的老將Joakim Noah希望本賽季能夠參加NBA。 Noah原定在訓練營之前參加
洛杉磯快艇隊的訓練。 但是,他受到輕傷,導致訓練被推遲。
Nonetheless, Joakim Noah is 100 percent healthy and is waiting for the buyout
period to sign with a contender.
Joakim Noah was drafted out of the University of Florida in 2007 and has playe
d for three different teams. The 34-year-old center averaged 8.8 PPG and 9.1 r
ebounds per game over his career.
Joakim Noah於2007年從佛羅里達大學起草,曾效力於三支不同的球隊。 這位34歲的中鋒
在他的職業生涯中場均貢獻8.8 分和9.1籃板。
The Clippers could use a veteran center in their second unit. They only have o
ne center in their roster which is 22-year-old Ivica Zubac. The Clippers curre
ntly have one roster spot open after recently being involved in a three-team t
rade with the New York Knicks and the Washington Wizards.
快艇可以在他們的第二個陣容擺上Noah。 他們的陣容中只有一個中鋒,即22歲的Ivica Z
ubac。 在最近與紐約尼克隊和華盛頓巫師隊組成三支球隊交易之後,快艇隊目前還擁有
Last December, Clippers head coach Doc Rivers expressed that he was happy for
Joakim Noah for signing with the Memphis.
去年12月,快艇隊主教練Doc Rivers表示,他為Joakim Noah與孟菲斯簽約感到高興。
Joakim Noah played in 42 games for the Grizzlies last season, averaging 7.2 po
ints, 2.1 assists, 5.7 rebounds, and 0.7 blocks in 16.5 minutes per game. In a
ddition, he shot 51.6 percent from the floor and 71.6 percent from the free-th
row line.
Joakim Noah上賽季為灰熊隊出戰42場,平均每場16.5分鐘內得到7.2分,2.1助攻,5.7籃
板和0.7火鍋。 此外,他的投籃命中率是51.6%,罰球命中率是71.6%。