※ 引述《a509170123 (章魚燒)》之銘言:
: 這個節目的host是目前效力於鵜鶘的帥哥J.J. Redick
: 因為兩位在2018年的時候都效力於費城76人
: 所以自然而然的就會聊到這個話題
: 我覺得整個廣播節目非常的有趣
: 可以看得出來兩人的關係應該是不錯
: 以下是有關於離開原因的片段
: https://youtu.be/ciKdF97JWpU
: 在裡面有提到離開很主要的原因是因為在76人感覺什麼事情都沒有在做,在賽后檢討的時候
: 沒有人想要分享,甚至安靜到可以聽到遙控器把影片按暫停的聲音
JJ: When did you realize did you realize [you didn't know who to talk to]?
Butler: In that fucking meeting in the office, I told you that!
Redick: So Brett brings me, [Joel Embiid], and [Ben Simmons], this is pre
Tobias [Harris] trade.
Butler: And we are all sitting in there and nothing got accomplished at all.
So I was like, and I told you this when I walked out, ‘JJ why would I ever
go back in there again? Nothing is getting accomplished, nobody is saying
nothing to anybody and we just sitting in here watching film’ and you can
literally hear the thing just clicking and we are all just looking around.”
“Now I may have just been 2 or 3 weeks there tops. So you know what, I’m
sitting back and I’m watching, I ain’t saying nothing because don’t nobody
know me like that. If you go by what you read what do you think about me? I
am sitting there relaxing, these guys think I’m an asshole anyways, let me
be quiet. I am hearing the click click, looking around. Click, click. ‘
Alright guys let’s go practice.’ Why did we just go through this? That’s
literally what’s going on in my head.
So I come to you, I say ‘JJ why would I go back in there again? We didn’t
do nothing, nothing got accomplished.’
: 這段配上吉巴的臉和動作我真的笑死
: 還有一段 講到跟T.J.的趣事
: JJ就這樣直接把這段發生在會議上的事情給說出來
: 然後吉巴在澄清的過程中也可以看的出來,其實76人內部的問題應該是不少,但也看得出來
: 他們跟T.J.的感情應該是不錯的
: 接下來就是比較嚴肅的話題 關於總教練Brett的,雖然沒有明說,但是吉巴其實應該把76人
: 問題很大一部分的原因都歸咎於教練的身上
: 裡面也提到季後賽面對可愛the shot(版上好像這樣稱呼)的事情,但只有稍微提到啦
: 大概就是在那個時候,吉巴決定要離開,而且肯定自己一定要離開,而JJ也馬上同意他的觀
: 點
: 接下來是我覺得整個影片最好笑的部份,大概是7:50
: 吉巴居然問出來說“ Do u think I am like just that hard to work with?”
: 到這邊我真的要笑瘋了,JJ也完全忍不住就笑出來,可是我覺得吉巴在問出這個問題的時候
: 是很真誠的,好像大家一直都傳說他是士官長這件事情讓他有點受傷吧
: 當然JJ馬上否認說沒有
: 吉巴也自嘲說 I seem to throw people under the bus
: 接下來就在說一些讓人不爽的乳摸,像是如果有人可以控制butler,也許高層也願意留下他
: ,但是吉巴自己說他才不是可以被控制的人,只有他自己可以控制自己
Butler: I ain’t throwing nobody under the bus since you think I seem to
throw people under the bus. Somebody told me a main reason I didn’t go back
is because somebody asked, “Can you control him? Can you control Jimmy? If
you can control Jimmy, we would think about having him back.” I was like you
don’t got to worry about it, shit can’t nobody fucking control me. For one,
I ain’t just out there doing no bullshit, but the fact that you’re trying
to control a grown man, naw I’m cool, because I don’t do nothing that’s
just drastically fucking stupidly crazy. I do not do that, so do not sit here
and come at me with, “Oh we got to try and control him.”
Nah, you good, don’t even have to worry about it. That was my
whatchamacallit, you don’t got to worry about me coming. If that’s what y’
all worried about it, I think man, good luck to y’all.
JJ: What point in free agency [did this happen]?
Butler: Oh this was early, super early.
JJ: So you knew you would have to explore other things?
Butler: Shit, I was knee deep in that already.
【新聞】NBA/ Jimmy Butler向J.J. Redick坦承離開76人原因
如果你能控制Jimmy,我們會考慮讓他回來。” 我覺得你不必擔心,沒有人可以控制我。
: 總之,看來離開76人是必然的選擇
: 在整個會談過程中,吉巴除了教練沒有提到任何一個名字,我覺得還算得體,至少我對於士
: 官長的形象有所改觀
: 影片的最後就稍微說了一下熱火現在的氣氛真的很棒,吉巴很愛這種類似的話題
: 原本期待會聽到小AI的話題,但看來沒有
: 包含完整1小時節目的連結在此
: https://youtu.be/HrGv50kR7A4
: 如果我對於影片的微翻譯有什麼錯誤或是偏差的地方請不要太苛責,跟我說一下我就會改的
JJ: Was last year difficult for you? Not just getting traded, but the whole
shit in the summer, preseason?
Butler: “Hell yeah it was difficult. It was so different and on any given
day, me as a person, as a player I didn’t know who the fuck was in charge,
that was my biggest thing. I didn’t know what the fuck to expect whenever I
would go into the the gym, whenever I would go into the plane, whenever I go
into the game, I was as lost as the next mother fucker.
JJ: Meaning there was a lot of voices.
Butler: Yeah. There was so much going on on every given day, I was like yup,
guess I’m just here to work I didn’t know who to talk to.