ESPN NBA analyst Doris Burke told ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski on The Woj Pod Fri
day that she has tested positive for COVID-19.
The 54-year-old Burke has been with ESPN since 1991. During her time with the
network, she has been both a sideline reporter and analyst, and she has covere
d the NBA, WNBA and both men's and women's college basketball.
In 2018, Burke was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame
as the first female winner of the Curt Gowdy Media Award.
現年54歲的ESPN場邊記者、分析師Doris Burke確診武漢肺炎。
短評或心得:好不容易有Gobert跟Mitchell 康復的好消息,現在連Doris Burke都確診了