搭配前一篇矮湯莫名中槍的文 來看看MJ跟Isiah Thomas間的過節
Finally, Jordan and the Bulls got over the hump, sweeping the Pistons in the
1991 conference finals en route to winning their first championship. With 7.9
seconds in Game 4, nearly the entire Detroit squad (except for John Salley
and Chuck Daly) walked off the court, strolling right past Chicago's bench,
rather than sticking around to shake hands and congratulate the Bulls after
the game and series had ended.
In episode four, Thomas was asked about the incident.
最後MJ突破了活塞隊這堵高牆 在91年分區冠軍賽橫掃了活塞並獲得總冠軍
第四場比賽的最後7.9秒 幾乎所有活塞隊的成員都直接從公牛板凳旁離開了球場
沒有握手致意 也沒有恭喜公牛隊晉級
在the last dance第四集中 Isiah Thomas被問到這個事件
"That was the only time that I think I'd ever been swept in a series. I was
normally the one doing the sweeping," Thomas said. "Their time had arrived,
and ours was over. As we're coming out of the game, Laimbeer said: 'We're not
shaking their hands.' ... Knowing what we now now, in the aftermath of what
took place, I think all of us would've stopped and said congratulations like
they do now. But in that period of time, that's just not how it was passed.
When you lost you left the floor. That was it."
我想這應該是我唯一一次在季後賽被橫掃 我通常都是橫掃別人的那個
我們的時代結束了 他們的時代來臨了 當我們要離場時
現在回頭想想造成的後果 我想我們當時應該至少要停下來說聲恭喜的
就像現在的球隊一樣 但在那個時代 當你輸了 就是離開球場 事情就是這樣
Jordan, who was handed an iPad during the documentary to watch Thomas make
his remarks, is still not buying Thomas' excuse.
聽到Thomas的說法 MJ完全不買帳
"I know it's all bullshit," Jordan said before he even looked at the iPad.
"Whatever [Isiah] says now, you know it wasn't his true actions then. [He's
had] time enough to think about it, or the reaction of the public that's
changed his perspective. ... You can show me anything you want. There's no
way you can convince me he wasn't asshole.
他說的全都是屁 無論這傢伙現在說什麼 大家都知道這不是他當時的本意
你可以說任何你想說的 但他就是個混蛋 沒有人可以說服我改變想法
"All you have to do is go back to us losing in Game 7 [the previous year],"
Jordan continued. "I shook everybody's hand. Two years in a row, we shook
their hands when they beat us. There's a certain respect to the game, that we
paid to them. That's sportsmanship. No matter how much it hurts, and believe
me it f