※ 引述《wiezaop (天下大同)》之銘言:
: 再揭喬丹黑暗面 曾轟隊友:表現差不配吃飯
: 記者劉家維/綜合報導
: 「籃球之神」Michael Jordan紀錄片《最後之舞》不僅描述他輝煌的職業生涯,隨著節目
: 播出,也慢慢呈現了Jordan的黑暗面,近期內容中就提到他因「嗜賭」遭受的質疑。《喬
: 丹法則(The Jordan Rules)》作者Sam Smith就爆料,Jordan甚至曾因隊友表現不好,
: 就不讓他用餐。
: Sam Smith所寫的《喬丹法則》中揭露了不少關於Jordan的陰暗面,近來他受訪時又透露
: ,「數年間一直有球員跟我說,『你知道他做了什麼嗎?他在飛機上把Horace Grant的餐
: 點拿走,原因是他比賽表現不好』,喬丹還會告訴空服員說:『別讓他吃,他不配吃飯。
: 』」
: 為何Smith此前從未揭露此事,也沒有寫在《喬丹法則》中,他解釋說:「球員們跟我講
: 完這樣的事後,總會問我為何不寫,我只能回答他們,『若是你們不具名表示,我就不能
: 寫』,我不能說是消息人士透露,這種事不能這樣處理,『如果你希望被引用,我沒問題
: 』,但他們總會馬上推辭說:『不、不、不,我們不能這樣說Michael Jordan。』」
: Jordan 此前就不斷傳出對隊友作風相當嚴厲,Horace Grant在2015年時就曾爆料Jordan
: 一度在練球中打隊友Will Perdue。美媒記者Rob Parker日前也透露,巫師時期的隊友們
: 其實對Jordan很反感,甚至曾集體投票不要送他生日禮物。
: https://pse.is/S6RAR
Michael Jordan calls out Horace Grant as snitch in 'The Last Dance'
MJ在紀錄片中指稱Horace Grant是洩密者
The 1992 book "The Jordan Rules" by Chicago sportswriter Sam Smith prompted
fighting within the Bulls organization at the time.
Sam Smith於1992出版的喬丹法則一書在當時公牛隊中引起了爭論
Even now, there is disagreement as to the sources of information Smith used
to reveal unsavory aspects of Jordan's leadership style.
Smith當時究竟是引用了誰提供的資訊 揭露MJ令人不喜的領導風格
In the sixth episode of "The Last Dance," Jordan remained steadfast in his
belief Horace Grant was the primary person leaking anecdotes.
在最後之舞紀錄片第六集中 MJ依然堅定地認為Grant是主要的洩密者
"He was telling everything that was happening within the group," Jordan said
in the documentary.
Grant denied the accusation: "No, not one thing I divulged to Sam Smith." He
said Jordan and others were looking for scapegoats.
Grant否認這個指控:不 我沒有跟Smith洩漏任何事 他認為MJ和其他人只是在找代罪羔羊
Point guard B.J. Armstrong came to Grant's defense, telling the documentary
crew there was no way an entire book was built off a single source. Even if
Grant did offer information, Armstrong said, he wasn't alone in doing so.
控衛B.J. Armstrong站在Grant這一邊 他告訴紀錄片工作人員
整本書的內容不可能只有單一消息來源 就算Grant真的有提供些資訊
Grant remained on the Bulls through the 1993-94 season, winning the first
three of the Bulls dynasty's six championships before moving on to Orlando.
He was a huge part of Chicago's success, too, reaching his personal pinnacle
in his final year there while averaging 15.1 points and 11.0 rebounds per
Grant在公牛隊待到93-94球季 94-95球季到了奧蘭多魔術隊
毫無疑問他是公牛隊連霸期間的功臣之一 93-94球季平均15.1分11板則是他生涯最佳球季