Hamilton remembered a night where he was on fire, but had to essentially stop
shooting per Jordan's request.
Hamilton回憶起他投籃手感正旺 卻因MJ要求而不得不停止的夜晚
"Allan Houston was killing me. He killed me in my first two years. So, when
MJ came my third year, now I feel like I've grown up... I've got big bro,
I've got the bully in the room. So, I'm a little bit more confident. So,
we're playing against New York in Washington and the first half, I go out and
I give Allan Houston 30 in the first half," Hamilton said.
Allan Houston在我進聯盟前兩年一直在痛電我
第三年MJ來了 有了這個大哥 我也覺得自己成長且比較有自信了
那次是在我們主場對戰尼克 上半場對上Houston我打瘋了 半場就拿了30分
"I'm geeked. I'm like 'for all the times this mother-f