來源: NewsWars
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yd3zvzgd
The NBA store is refusing to sell jerseys emblazoned with the words ‘Free
Hong Kong’, but is perfectly happy to sell ‘Kill Cops’ shirts.
聯盟商店拒絕販賣寫著"Free Hong Kong"的球衣,卻很開心的賣"Kill Cops"的球衣
“I’m on the phone with the NBA store right now,” tweeted David Hookstead.
“Sales rep says I can’t buy a FreeHongKong jersey, but I can buy a KillCops
jersey if I want one.”
「我現在在電話上跟聯盟商店講話,」David Hookstead在推特上寫到。「銷售人員說我不
Audio of a phone call posted by Hookstead appears to confirm that buyers can
choose to have their jersey say ‘Kill Cops’ but not ‘Free Hong Kong’ at
the point of purchase.
Hookstead在推特上PO的錄音檔案似乎證實了顧客可以在下訂的時候,可以選"Kill Cops"
的球衣,但是不能選"Free Hong Kong"。
截圖: https://imgur.com/WC2ZQAG.jpg
水管錄音檔: https://youtu.be/hRLIeIZMJ6c
David Hookstead推特錄音: https://twitter.com/i/status/1282769612191551488
"Here is audio of the NBA store telling me I can't buy a FreeHongKong jersey,
but I can buy a KillCops jersey.
Eventually, once they realized what was happening, they claimed they couldn't
sell me anything because of high call volume and system error."