※ 引述《willy911006 (小溫)》之銘言: : https://twitter.com/JoelRushNBA/status/1304595848924262401?s=19 : "Something made me shoot it, so I shot it." : -Michael Porter Jr. on his clutch 3 https://t.co/j0xVsLLRGU : 「有個東西叫我投球,所以我就投了」 : -MPJ https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1304603496331710464?s=20 "You want to listen, you don't want to have an ego and think you're always right." Michael Porter Jr. addresses the comments he made after Game 4. "你會想要成為一個傾聽者,你不會想表現出那種傲慢認為你自己永遠都是正確的。" Michael Porter Jr. said he didn’t mean to disrespect his teammates or coaches by saying they needed to involve more players after Game 4. He also mentioned he saw Dame Lillard’s constructive feedback: “I respect all those guys. You want to listen. You don’t want to have an ego.” 他表示G4後的發言其實不是不尊重他的隊友或是教練, 他只是想表示想要獲勝必須要讓更多人都參予到進攻裡。 他也說他看到了小李的回應,他說他對所有意見都是尊重的, 他願意傾聽,而沒有那種自我中心的傲慢心。 MPJ:啊哇丟說話憨慢而已喇 今天砍進關鍵球莫雷也去振奮的摸他的頭,畢竟快艇隊可不是一支內鬨可以贏的球隊。