※ 引述《willy911006 (小溫)》之銘言:
: https://twitter.com/ChrisBHaynes/status/1307171009989140480?s=19
: LeBron James said “It pissed me off” to only get 16 first-place votes for MV
: P.
: 「這讓我很生氣」
: -LeBron James對只有16張MVP第一名選票的反應
: 所以你今天才這樣子嗎?
"It pissed me off. That's my true answer. It pissed me off because out of 101
votes, I got 16 first place votes. That's what pissed me off more than
anything. Not saying the winner wasn't deserving or anything, but that pissed
me off."
我火的原因是 101 張選票,我只拿到了 16 張第一名選票。這讓我比什麼都還火大。
LeBron said he's "fine" about not winning, but also later said.
"I don't know how much we are really watching the game of basketball, or
we're just in the narration mode. The narrative."
LeBron 說他沒得獎 "OK",