beckseaton (沒有é‹å‹•æœƒæ»)
2020-09-21 19:45:42下一篇 DDR
2015-16季後賽東區決賽 暴龍2-4騎士
2016-17季後賽第二輪 暴龍0-4騎士
2017-18季後賽第二輪 暴龍0-4騎士
15-16那個系列騎士先拿兩場 暴龍贏了中間兩場 騎士再贏兩場結束
包括接下來兩年橫掃 DDR對LBJ也是季後賽十連敗 總計2勝12敗
東區泡泡龍 後場雙鐵共構就是那幾年出來的名詞
至於Kemba Walker
LeBron James, Kemba Walker and the most lopsided rivalry in sports
在今年一月以前 Walker面對LBJ的球隊是28連敗 包括24場例行賽跟2014年的4場季後賽
黃蜂在2016年曾經在例行賽擊敗過LBJ的騎士 不過那一場Kemba Walker沒上場....
那一場Walker膝傷沒上場是林書豪代替他先發 Jeremy那一場得到24分
今年1月21日超賽擊敗湖人 Kemba Walker才結束這個連敗紀錄
※ 引述《td123 (內行人)》之銘言:
: Paul Millsap on his playoffs history with Lebron James:
: I told him, ‘Man, I tried to get away from you in the East, then you came to
: the West.’ But finally, we’re at this juncture in the Western Conference
: Finals fighting to get to the championship game. He’s got several
: championships and I’m trying to get my first and I feel like this is my time
: to do that.
: Millsap on having a personal goal of beating James in the conference finals :
: I’d be lying I said I didn’t, I felt like we had really good teams and we
: always came up short and at the end of the day I’m just tired of coming up
: short in those situations, especially against him. Nothing personal, but you
: want to compete against the best and beat the best and I’m ready to make
: that next step.
: 季後賽從來沒贏過LBJ的Millsap為了逃離姆斯 從東區跑到西區
: 沒想到又在西決對上
: Millsap覺得自己這次終於可以破除魔咒了
: 但很可惜
: 穿上MAMBA球衣的湖人隊是無敵的
: 0-10
: 什麼他媽的叫驚喜!