wwf1588 (草爺)
2020-09-28 14:45:32詹姆斯談到沒能和柯比聚餐的遺憾
When he announced he was signing with the Lakers in the summer of 2018, the late, great Kobe Bryant and James had plans to break bread and discuss the ins and outs of Los Angeles, the Lakers franchise and what would be expected of him upon his arrival
Due to the conflicting and chaotic schedules of each superstar, the two could never establish a firm date. Each time they came across one another, the meeting was brought up, but it kept getting put on the backburner.
It’s something that still bothers James to this day.
Of course, you think there’s going to be time for us to get together and I understand that there are regrets in life, but I definitely wish I had that moment with him,” James told Yahoo Sports. “I do remember when I decided to come here, he sent me a text right away and said, ‘Welcome, brother. Welcome to the family.’ That was a special moment because at the time, Laker faithful wasn’t [fully in on me]. A lot of people were saying, ‘Well, we might not want LeBron at this point in his career,’
and, ‘Is he right? Is he going to get us back [to the Finals]?’ So to hear from him and get his stamp of approval, it meant a lot. I don’t ever question myself, but when it’s coming from Kobe, it definitely meant a lot.
當然,你會認為我們總會有時間聚餐的,我也理解生活中總有遺憾但我真的希望能和他曾度過那個時刻。 我確實記得當我加入湖人後,他立刻就給我傳了封簡訊跟我說歡迎你兄弟,歡迎來到這個家庭,那是一個特殊時刻,因為那時的湖人球迷「並不完全接受我」。 許多人都在說:呃 其實我們不想要處於這個生涯階段的詹姆斯 或是,他還行嗎? 他能帶我們重回總冠軍賽?因此聽到他的話 得到他的認可 這意義重大。 我從不懷疑自己,但當科比這樣講,意義肯定非凡
James disclosed some of the questions and topics he had in mind that he never got a chance to discuss with Bryant.
When I played in Cleveland, I grew up 35 minutes away from there, and so I kind of knew the people. When I went down to Miami, [Dwyane Wade] was able to give me the blueprint on that. But I never played for a historic franchise like the Lakers,” James told Yahoo Sports. “It’s probably like when [Alex Rodriguez] went to the Yankees. He probably heard from [Derek] Jeter on what it's going to take to play in front of this. It’s different from playing with the Mariners. It’s different from the
Rangers. I would have definitely loved to get that side of what it takes, what does it take to win over Laker faithful or how can I make them appreciate my game.
當我在克里夫蘭打球時,我就在周邊35英里外的地方長大,所以我差不多熟悉那裡的人。 當我遠赴邁阿密,韋德給我描繪了那裡的藍圖 但我從未在像湖人這樣的豪門球隊打過球。可能有點類似A-Rod當年加盟紐約洋基隊的狀況,他可能從Jeter那裡得到建議 關於在這樣的球迷面前打球需要付出什麼 那與為了水手隊或者遊騎兵隊打球不一樣 我願意聽那方面的建議 關於需要做什麼才能贏得湖人球迷的熱愛,或者如何才能讓他們欣賞我的比賽
And then probably talk about us never meeting in the Finals. Just apologizing to him. In f