[外絮] 格林:詹姆斯居然還記得熱火的戰術

作者: wwf1588 (草爺)   2020-09-30 21:17:50
Give a scouting report on how to guard him or how you want to make him beat you and if he is clicking on all singnals which usually is in the playoffs. You know you cam't you're not going to stop. So the key is to try to stop everyone around him trying to limit those people. Best you can and try to limit him as much as you know.
你需要為防守他制定詳盡的球探報告 你知道的 如果他打出季後賽中一如既往的表現,你根本無法防住他,所以我們的策略重點就是防住他身邊的人 盡可能的限制他身邊的人,當然也盡可能的限制他,你是無法防住他的所以你只能盡力的限制他。
he remembers every play.
He remembers every guy's cut shot missed or make shot rebound box out you know perfect assignment good screen he's watching films.
He's pointing things on film that most people don't see. So i know he was a smart guy and they thought they came through and had pretty good memory but you don't
realize it until you see him in a film session day in and day out from games that were
他記得每個球員的切入、投籃、籃板卡位、換防、掩護時機。 甚至在分析比賽影片的時候 他還能夠指出大多數一般人會意不到的細節。 我老早就知道他很聰明 而且記憶力也超級好,他都會記得對方的戰術,但這要一直到你親眼在影片分析會議中看到,你才能真正體會到。
we didn't play miami until a year ago in 2019 and you remember the plays of what happened when we played him in 2019 it's unbelievable !
作者: eternity0005 (魔法修業之路進行中)   2020-09-30 21:40:00
作者: peanut910013 (123)   2020-09-30 22:18:00
我懂 2348 姆斯灌籃 姆斯上籃 姆斯中距離 姆斯三分姆斯籃板 姆斯助攻 姆斯火鍋
作者: aasaasaas947 (unhappy)   2020-09-30 22:26:00
作者: fantasyscure (台灣狼)   2020-10-01 01:18:00
是啊 那湖人橫掃熱火4:0 真的穩了
作者: RuleAllWorld (生命剩下365年)   2020-10-01 07:27:00

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