來源: 彭博記者Jennifer Epstein
網址: https://twitter.com/jeneps/status/1323032202473594880
“We’re in the third quarter. The fourth quarter is Tuesday,” Doc Rivers
says at Joe Biden’s last Philly stop of the campaign.
「我們現在是在第三節,星期二就是第四節了,」Doc Rivers在Joe Biden的費城造勢場子
Doc Rivers演講影片: https://streamable.com/5zgeqv
"Not sure you want Doc to be the one to say this when polls show biden with a
near double digit lead lolol"
"Jesus fuck get Doc away from this campaign ASAP"
「喔幹! 可以把河流趕出去競選團隊嗎? 馬上!」
"Doc Rivers should not be the person to mention crunch time for you"
"Don’t let Paul George show up!"
"trump's re-election confirmed via doc rivers 3-1 curse. deadly civil war to
follow shortly. stay tuned."
"My lord, if Biden has the lead right now we may see a big Trump comeback on
Tuesday then"