[外絮] AD:簽兩年約是在跟自己對賭

作者: wwf1588 (草爺)   2020-12-05 16:08:20
That could have been a two-year, three-year deal,But I have to think about, also, the reality of things, too. I do have a little history with injuries, and a two-year deal, you kind of bet on yourself.
I want to secure the most amount of years possible and be here long term with this team, so I thought the five-year deal was best for me in my situation
While the contract gives Davis security, it also could be seen as a savvy business decision.
Davis, 27, has a player option on the final year of his deal, the 2024-25 season. Should he not pick up the option and reenter free agency as a 31-year old, he will be eligible to sign another five-year max extension and avoid the over-38 rule
I'm excited for him. It's a hell of a deal to be getting
作者: SwissMiniGun (瑞士迷你槍)   2020-12-05 16:23:00
身邊就有表弟一個例子 會這樣考慮很正常是說昨天好像看到一篇推文連這個也在吵
作者: orion1991830 (雞哩咕嚕希哩嘩啦吱吱喳)   2020-12-05 16:27:00
大家都領千萬年薪 花個10%保養應該還可以吧
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2020-12-05 17:31:00
KT算是勇士補給的吧 KD就真的是躺一年也值頂薪
作者: Predrag26671 (這個人非常懶)   2020-12-05 17:32:00
他身邊那位很健康啊 當然有本錢賭
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2020-12-05 17:34:00
覺得AD有到接近KD那個等級啦 躺一年應該還是有球隊給頂薪
作者: Aequanimitas (Paranoia)   2020-12-05 17:49:00
聰明 LBJ只有一個 有痛痛史簽五年頂薪夠爽了
作者: Hohenzollern   2020-12-05 17:53:00
簽五年約雖2023~2025球季年薪少領幾趴 但是可以再拼一張頂薪如果湊滿十年年資再簽五年大約 三十四歲合約走完處境很尷尬最慘就是成為底薪浪人
作者: swingingbear (Bear~XD)   2020-12-05 18:38:00
作者: sunnydragon7 (香腸)   2020-12-05 19:01:00
作者: Utopiasphere   2020-12-06 02:39:00
不是每個球員都跟LBJ KD一樣可以玩年年1+1的 會怕吼

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