EZ78 (EZ78)
2020-12-11 19:55:11在NBA版沒發過文 如果有什麼錯麻煩指正XD
看了一下這篇文章總覺得整個語意都很奇怪 所以就找了LA Times的原文來看
“You FaceTiming your family, you FaceTiming your kids. At some point you star
t to break, and it’s like, man, what am I doing here?” he said. “Like, this
ain’t it right here. I understand we’re trying to win the championship and
that’s the focus, but everything gotta line up for that to happen. … My hat
’s off to the Lakers for being able to accomplish that, but myself, I struggl
ed with it.”
總之 他原文的意思是說在泡泡的環境下 家人不在他身邊的影響超級無敵大 他也對克服
了這些困難的湖人表達敬意 後來也有新聞說他在泡泡期間心理狀態受到很大的影響而頻
繁的去找隊上的心理治療師治療他的焦慮的新聞 我是不知道虎噗是怎麼把FaceTiming翻
“It didn’t feel right, like I couldn’t, I didn’t have that fire that I usu
ally have going into matchups,” George said on the podcast. “Going into the
games I knew I wanted to destroy [opponents], but it was just because the envi
ronment, like, this is what you want right here. It wasn’t like playoff times
at all. It didn’t feel like playoff time at all. And that’s why you had, li
ke, role players having the best games of they lives. There was no pressure, a
nd for star players it was all of the pressure. It was just different; it was
a complete 180 of hoops that’s usually normal to you.”
總之就是PG原來講的話並沒有虎噗翻得那麼狗屁不通 大概就是在論述他這次在泡泡所遭
原文刊載於L.A. Times
原文連結: https://reurl.cc/WL2ZgZ