※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
: 來源: TalkBasket
: 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybrvsefq
: Isaiah Thomas willing to return to the Celtics on a bench role
: Isaiah Thomas願意回青賽 從板凳出發
: Isaiah Thomas expressed the desire to make his return to the Boston Celtics
: on a bench role.
: Isaiah Thomas表達他願意回青賽打球,從板凳出發的意願。
: Thomas, who has not played in the NBA since last February, believes he can
: help the Celtics in scoring coming off the bench.
: 從二月之後就沒有在聯盟裡出賽過的Thomas認為他可以從板凳角色幫助到青賽。
: IT推特: https://twitter.com/isaiahthomas/status/1343270478316638208
: “I could definitely help with that! Ima just keep workin though,”
: 「我一定可以幫助到他們的,我會持續訓練的。」
矮湯的第一個問題在於他是Ball dominant player
但出乎他意料之外的竟然被賽爾提克交易到騎士 有姆斯還輪得道他嗎?
第二個問題是明知時不我予 球隊一輸球就要出聲表達意見
比如他在騎士隊的倒數第二場球 慘敗18分 自己13投3中只拿11分
Thomas missed his last eight shots and finished 3-of-13 for 11 points