mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2020-12-30 01:11:05Ingram聊到2019被湖人交易到鵜鶘的經歷
During the season, I kind of knew it was going to happen, eventually. But I didn’t know when it was going to happen,Ingram said on the podcast.
My dad had called me maybe two days before it happened he said he thinks something's going on and I could be traded,e added.
So it was one morning I just woke and my agent had called me and said, ‘We think something’s going on and you may get traded in the next like 20 minutes.
I hung up the phone, and I just went and laid down and like five minutes later he called me back and he was like, ‘You just got traded to New Orleans,Ingram revealed.
Lonzo called me, I think Josh Hart called me and they were all positive, they were like ‘Let’s do it, Let’s go to New Orleans, and let’s make something out of it. So I was prepared for it.
Lonzo和Hart都聯繫了我,他們都很樂觀,就像是,讓我們去紐奧良幹出一番事業吧。 所以我為此做好了準備。
Brandon Ingram did not let the Lakers’ decision affect his confidence and brought his best game upon arriving at New Orleans. He quickly elevated his quality and won the Most Improved Player Award in 2020.
Hence, Ingram leaving the Lakers benefitted him in a good way. Likewise, the purple and gold signed Anthony Davis and went on to win the 2020 NBA championship。
對於Ingram的離開讓他受益匪淺。 同樣,來到紫金王朝的Anthony Davis,贏得了2020年NBA冠軍。
作者: ellisteng145 (Ellis) 2020-12-30 01:43:00
他去鵜鶘投籃進步超多 我都懷疑湖人是請掃地的來當投教嗎三分從單場進0.6顆變2.4顆命中率0.39 罰球從不滿7成變0.85