sezna (sezna)
2021-01-12 11:20:15https://twitter.com/FredKatz/status/1348821001245757440
Scott Brooks on Beal not sitting in the fourth quarter: "We haven’t won in
the last three games. Two wins for the season. We didn’t wanna let that slip
Scott Brooks ends his answer about playing Beal in the fourth by listing off
all of Beal’s good attributes: "We don’t shoot around. We don’t practice.
He’s a word-class athlete…Good lookin’. Great family. His parents are
great. I think he can handle 36 minutes."
Scott Brooks教練被問到為何讓Bradley Beal打第四節:
Scott Brooks教練接下來還列出了Bradley Beal的一堆優點
本場比賽,Bradley Beal出場35分鐘,22投12中,得到34分8籃板9助攻。