ericgary (艾瑞克蓋瑞)
2021-01-26 16:15:03KOBE逝世一周年紀念 生前十大金句一次回顧
2021年1月26日 08:57
距離洛杉磯湖人已故傳奇布萊恩(Kobe Bryant)驟逝將滿週年,他的離世,即便過了一
10 我追求完美
(I'm chasing perfection.)
9 我只在為了學習如何更進步的時候自我反省,我的自省是有目的的。
(I'm reflective only in the sense that Ilearn to move forward. I reflect wi
th a purpose.)
8 我會盡一切努力贏得比賽,無論是坐在長椅上揮舞毛巾、將一杯水遞給隊友或是投進
(I'll do whatever it takes to win games,whether it's sitting on a bench wav
ing a towel, handing a cup of water to ateammate, or hitting the game-winnin
g shot.)
7 我不想成為下一個麥可喬丹,我只想成為布萊恩
(I don't want to be the next MichaelJordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.)
6 我會自我懷疑,會感到不安,會害怕失敗,我也曾有過一個晚上在體育館裡,那時候
(I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. Ihave fear of failure. I have nights
when I show up at the arena and I'm like,'My back hurts, my feet hurt, my k
nees hurt. I don't have it. I just want tochill.' We all have self-doubt. Yo
u don't deny it, but you also don'tcapitulate to it. You embrace it.)
5 這些年輕人在玩跳棋,我已經在下象棋了
(These young guys are playing checkers.I'm out there playing chess.)
4 我不會去跟懶惰的人交流,我們說著不同的語言,我不了解你,我也不想去了解你
(I can't relate to lazy people. We don'tspeak the same language. I don't un
derstand you. I don't want to understandyou.)
3 如果你害怕失敗,那你就有可能會失敗
(If you're afraid to fail, then you'reprobably going to fail.)
2 一切不利的因素,壓力、挑戰,都是讓我成長的機會
(Everything negative - pressure,challenges - is all an opportunity for me t
o rise.)
1 最重要的事情就是,試著去激烈人們,這樣他們在做任何事都能表現不錯
(The most important thing is to try andinspire people so that they can be g
reat in whatever they want to do.)