[花邊] KD對Ellington說嘴綠不專業的評論表示喜歡

作者: pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)   2021-02-02 10:39:02
來源: TalkBasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/upf0e97s
Kevin Durant likes Wayne Ellington’s comments calling Klay Thompson,
Draymond Green ‘unprofessional’
Kevin Durant對於活塞Wayne Ellington說Klay Thompson跟Draymond Green不專業的評論
The Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant appears to agree with Wayne
Ellington, who defended his teammate Rodney McGruder after he was mocked by
Klay Thompson and Draymond Green.
活塞Ellington在隊友Rodney McGruder被勇士Klay Thompson跟嘴綠嘲諷後出來替他辯護,
籃網超級明星Kevin Durant似乎很同意Ellington。
Their comments came after McGruder had a verbal exchange with the Golden
State Warriors, as they were leaving the court after the game had ended.
“I think it’s very unprofessional and definitely not classy for somebody to
attack Rodney’s professional career the way it was attacked,” Wellington
supported McGruder. The Instagram post featuring this comment was liked by
Kevin Durant.
作者: marginal5566 (麻吉扭5566)   2021-02-02 10:51:00
作者: littlebonnie (邦尼)   2021-02-02 11:37:00

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