pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2021-02-03 10:23:14來源: 湖人記者Harrison Faigen推特
網址: https://twitter.com/hmfaigen/status/1356662992847265801
According to AD, the Lakers apparently added a new ATO specifically just to
trick/troll Rondo. Lmao this team.
"We just called a play after a timeout, an ATO play, and 'Do was here last
year, so he knows our plays and knows our system and everything like that,
and he's very good at scouting other teams plays and players and things like
that. So we ran the play, and put him in some action and we ended up getting
a foul out of it, and I told him I was yelling (from the bench), I was
yelling to him and told him 'you haven't seen that one. That's something new.
You haven't seen that one.' He started laughing, we were laughing, so that
was a cool moment."
Vogel also admitted they did this.
"Everything we do is to try to trick Rondo. We know how smart he is and we
had to add some deception to our game because he knows all of our packages.
So we had a few extra tricks in there for him."