消息來源: https://twitter.com/kirkgoldsberry/status/1356970701736075265 Leading Scorers By Zone 由ESPN專家所整理出來的目前各區域的得分領先者 統計至美國時間二月二號 https://imgur.com/15bBydx.jpg 而他也特別附註魔術隊VV目前為止已經在三分外線弧頂位置出手80次,命中率達到45% 而且該區的進球數現在還比 Damian Lillard, Stephen Curry 來得多 https://twitter.com/kirkgoldsberry/status/1356987472203440130 Vooch has made 45% of 80 attempts at the top of the arc and currently has 2 more makes there than Dame, and 4 more than Steph. One of those snipers will likely pass him, but let's enjoy this now. 短評或心得:CP3和柯瑞各自佔了兩個席位