來源: Isaiah Thomas推特 網址: https://twitter.com/isaiahthomas/status/1357437437417431041 "I never been a liability on defense in my whole career just ask the coaches that coached me. Thats just a lazy narrative that they throw around cuz I’m small. If a dude shoots over me & scores they say I’m a liability. If a dude shoots over a guy 6’3 it’s oh that was good offense." 「在我的打球生涯,我從來就不是球隊防守上的負擔,去問問那些曾經教過我的教練們。 那些就是一些不負責任的評論,只是因為我的身材矮的關係。如果一個球員在我前面投球 然後得分,他們就會說我是個洞。若是同個球員在一個6呎3的球員前面投,他們就會說, 喔~~這次的進攻很讚。」