fact (fact)
2021-02-16 13:45:09Danny Ainge takes blame for Celtics' struggles, acknowledges that roster changes might need to be made
anny Ainge, it's on him.
"We're not playing with the passion that we need. I think that's on the players.
And the players on the team are on me," Ainge said in an
interview with the Boston Globe. "There are things I
could have done better, but I'm not going to mention
names. I'll take this responsibility. This is a
team that was put together by me, and we're not playing with enough
consistency and urgency, and it's my job to look to see what we can do to improve the team, but that's always much harder than improving from within."
"Just changing faces doesn't always change things," Ainge said.
"But it may have to come to that."
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-02-16 13:46:00
要換能改變青賽的球員...雙J要出一個吧XD至於其他...例如走路人...誰要啊XD出垃圾想換改變青賽的球員? 當別隊都棒槌喔
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2021-02-16 13:47:00
雙J都有球星水準 換不到更好的吧?
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-02-16 13:48:00
低點換低點..那也不用交易吧XD 換手氣嗎前幾季都喊繳學費..這季我看連打東冠都沒機會了就慢慢去繳學費吧..繳到雙J解體重建還在繳呢XD
離開賽爾提克的球員 都會變強啊KI、星海、弱企鵝 可憐哪教練過譽仔
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2021-02-16 14:10:00
人家湖人快艇是頂級雙巨 學他們陣容也只是弱化版
作者: Hohenzollern 2021-02-16 14:15:00
Walker 我犢感覺可以收喔 出個Dwight Powell +J-Rich+James Johnson 剛好可以配平Dwight Powell剛好可以送回去老東家Walker+ Ojeleye <> Dwight Powell + J-Rich + James Johnson這樣BOS還不用貼籤我這個交易案提議不錯 瞬間還能幫BOS清出大概快28M的薪資空間走路人 來到 卡帥底下 說不定也可以找回全明星身手卡帥很會用這種矮後衛 又可以分擔077小犢去年就是想追走路人 沒追到啊BOS 多貼個Ojeleye 當甜頭配平薪資 也剛好小犢 可以幫他清理薪資空間 不要就拉倒J-Rich說不定青賽也用得到
你獨那爛守備還要換走路人?這不是一年約欸喬舟+皮朋算不算側翼?所以頂級側翼能不能奪冠?我沒說雙J能長成那樣喔 喔只是要問雙側翼能不能奪冠
想要老鷹JC一是老鷹要價很高 二是怎麼留是問題 他拒絕老鷹的大約了 RFA也會有人砸大錢賭的那種