pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2021-02-26 21:32:07來源: NBC Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/ke2wnhe6
West believes Steph sacrificed too much during KD's Dubs run
West認為KD在勇士的那段期間 Curry犧牲太多
When the Warriors acquired Kevin Durant and assembled a super team, they knew
success would be dependent on a bunch of star players sharing one basketball.
But looking back on the Durant era with Golden State, former Warriors forward
David West said Steph Curry could have been more selfish. West discussed the
topic this week with Logan Murdock and former NBA player Raja Bell on The
Ringer’s “Real Ones” podcast.
前勇士前鋒David West在本周上了"Real Ones" Podcast節目,討論到那段時間。回顧那段
West受訪影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1365096763661508608
“There were nights where I told Steph that first year, like, ‘F