※ 引述《neo7 (neo)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:
: https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1366976034831171590?s=20
: 內容:
: Booker在抱怨完判決後被吹T
: 之後將球回傳給裁判馬上又被吹一次T
: 被驅逐出場
: 短評或心得:
: 下次傳球給裁判大人記得下跪鞠躬
NBA official推特有說明,應該不是這樣子。
網址: https://twitter.com/NBAOfficial/status/1367002825943900164
QUESTION: Why was Devin Booker ejected?
問題:為何Devin Booker被趕出場?
DAVIS: "Booker received his first technical foul for continuous complaining
and then he received his second technical foul, and as per rule was ejected,
for directing profane language at a game official."
裁判Davis: Booker是因為不停的抱怨被判第一次技術犯規,第二次技術犯規是因為他對裁
QUESTION: Why did Justin Van Duyne asses a second technical foul after Tyler
Ford called the first one and was already walking away from the play?
問題:當裁判Tyler Ford判了第一個技術犯規,已經離開現場後,為何Justin Van Duyne
DAVIS: "For directing profane language at a game official."
裁判: 因為對裁判講不當的語言。
影片: https://streamable.com/kgksqv