pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
2021-04-23 10:54:16來源: 暴龍記者Josh Lewenberg推特
網址: https://twitter.com/JLew1050/status/1385055104554897409
Kyle Lowry, who is getting an honorary doctorate from Acadia: "It ain't
official yet but when it's official I will not respond to anything other than
Dr. Lowry."
Kyle Lowry最近將會從Acadia大學獲得榮譽博士學位,他說:「還沒有正式,但是當正式
之後,沒有叫我Dr. Lowry的話,我是不會理的。」
What will he be a doctor of? "Doctor of Greatness."
Will OG call Kyle 'Dr. Lowry'?
那Anunoby會叫Kyle"Dr. Lowry"嗎?
Anunoby: "If everyone does it then yeah."
蘿莉訪問影片: https://streamable.com/byl5xx