Boston Celtics President of Basketball Operations Danny Ainge is seriously con
sidering his future with the franchise and could make a decision to step down,
sources tell ESPN.
波士頓塞爾提克的籃球營運總裁Danny Ainge正在跟球隊討論他的未來,而且有可能會選
Danny Ainge is expected to step down as President of Basketball Operations for
the Boston Celtics, sources tell ESPN. Brad Stevens is expected to assume a m
ore prominent front office role with the team.
Boston head coach Brad Stevens is planning to transition from his current role
into becoming the new head of basketball ops. of the Celtics, sources tell @T
heAthletic @Stadium.
Danny Ainge plans to resign from his role as Celtics President, sources said.
Brad Stevens is moving from his head coaching role to leading the Celtics bask
etball operations
作者: Utopiasphere 2021-06-02 21:36:00
七八年前一堆籃網樂透簽給他玩成這樣 沒滾才稀奇
作者: aa01081008tw 2021-06-02 21:39:00
賽隊越打越沒搞頭...早該滾了吧XD雙J出一個搭走路人去換東西..有沒有搞頭? 別死抱雙J搭個雙J誘因配走路人去薛別隊啊..不然怎辦?XD
雙J也都才23 24 一個新人約剛走完 一個下季換約 可能打太多場季後賽讓大家有錯誤的期待了嗎XD我覺得雙J還是有很大的成長空間 JT受訪也說還有很多進步的地方 問題就是安吉拼命屯簽自選的作法讓人很難理解 ㄧ支要奪冠的球隊一堆新人真的很奇怪 當然KI黑娃傷病問題在意料之外就是了 但總是得要認賠殺出其實就像d大講的 他的操盤都不錯 可是又想要兼顧現在又想要兼顧未來 怎麼可能....
小牛今年沒搞好 準備騎士1.0化77太強結果沒累積什麼天賦 可惜要跑我也覺得合理賭KP看起來失敗了 他比較適合當院長今年守備爛掉就真的很慘換來的THJ算有用 今年就綠茶嬸有點失敗小牛每年都B計畫今年過後又有首輪能丟吧加個大兒子不曉得行不行有冠77大概就留了要有冠就該避免陣容變成騎士1.0不然77有可能氣到轉隊
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow) 2021-06-02 22:41:00