‘F***’: LeBron, NBA world reacts as ‘gruesome’ injury flips title race on it
s head
Andrew Jackson from Fox Sports
Kendrick Perkins @KendrickPerkins
Bucks did what they were supposed to do today...but that being said with Kyrie a
nd Harden being injured and not knowing their availability for Game 5 the stage
is set for Kevin Durant to show his GREATNESS! Carry on...
LeBron James @KingJames
@KyrieIrving!!!! FUCK
KI!!!! 幹
Skip Bayless @RealSkipBayless
Kyrie's turned ankle looked BAD. Hope it turns out not to be. But if he's gone f
or a while, and Harden can't return soon ... the Bucks have a shot and the Sixer
s are the favorites.
Stephen A Smith @stephenasmith
Noooooooooo!!!!!!! Please, please, please be healthy, Kyrie Irving. He stepped o
n @Giannis_An34 foot and twisted his ankle. It looks bad. Prayer that he’s heal
thy. We need to see the show that man provides in these playoffs.
不!!!!!!! 拜託,拜託,拜託保持健康啊KI。他踩到了@Giannis_An34的腳並扭傷了腳踝,
Malika Andrews @malika_andrews
Kyrie Irving is on the ground in a lot of pain holding what appears to be his ri
ght ankle.
Donovan Mitchell @spidadmitchell
Damn prayers up for Kyrie