Duncan Robinson 回答這圖片裡的問題——一般粉絲對籃球有什麼常見的誤解?
The main one is that "NBA teams don't care about defense" or that "NBA players
don't care about defense".
一個最大的誤解就是「NBA 隊伍不在意防守」或「NBA 球員不在意防守」。
There is a ton of emphasis that goes into defense in the NBA, a ton.
NBA 非常重視防守。
There's hours upon hours film study, hours upon hours drilling defense,
rotaions, coverages, all sorts of stuffs.
Players are held accountable in most circumstances if they're not doing their
jobs defensively.
This idea that like, "Oh yeah, the NBA, nobody cares about playing defense,
so it's easy to score whatever 20, 30 points a game." is absolutely ridiculous.
像是「NBA 沒人想防守,一場得個二三十分根本輕輕鬆鬆」這種想法,根本完全沒道理。
There are people that have jobs in the NBA, where their job is to play defense.
And they are paid handsomely to do it.
在 NBA 只因防守而得到工作的人大有人在,而且他們還拿到了很高的薪水。
So you can't tell me that NBA teams, NBA coaches, NBA front offices,
NBA players don't care about defense, it's a bad take.
所以你不能跟我講 NBA 的隊伍、教練、營運以及球員都不在意防守,這是錯的。
= = = = =
來自名為 The Long Shot 的 Podcast,由 Duncan Robinson 跟 Davis Reid 主持。
還有談到第二個常見誤解是認為那些有在社群媒體 po 訓練照的球員才有在認真練習、
沒在 po 的都在混,這我覺得滿白癡的就不翻了。
個人滿喜歡 Duncan Robinson 跟 JJ Redick 這種 NBA 球員自己出來做的 Podcast,