mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2021-07-18 20:37:49I have a favorite big man and he happens to play in LA and wear number 3, An
thony Davis. I think he’s the most talented. Defensively in the paint, he’
s awesome. Offensively in the paint, he’s awesome, and then he can go out o
n the perimeter and be a problem. He can hit the 3 consistently or the mid-
and long-range jumper.So, I would have to go with him
But, as you said, Embiid … he’s tough, Jokic… he’s tough,” Abdul-Jabbar
said. “I haven’t seen them play a lot. I might change my mind if I get a
chance to see them play more, but I’m going to have to go with AD because I
’m a Laker through and through and he’s proved it so far
Jabbar:但是,正如你所說,Embiid...他很強,Jokic...也是很強。 我沒怎麼看過他
們打球。 如果有機會多看他們打球,可能會改變主意,但我還是會選擇AD,因為我也是
can you share some thoughts on the big men of the nba and their evolution in
你如何看待現代 NBA 長人球員位置打法的演變?
Jabbar :
I think the NBA big men will distinguish themselves as they have gifts. So,
the ones that want to go and dominate in the paint will do that and the ones
that can go inside and outside will do that. Anthony Davis is a great examp
le of that. Because the Lakers wouldn't have won their last championship if
it hadn't been for his outside shooting.
我認為 NBA 的長人們會因為他們的天賦而脫穎而出。所以,那些想要制霸禁區的人會獲
備註:影片還有KD的訪談 就補在下方
Jonquel Jones is the one that comes off top of mind, She reminds me of mysel
f with her length and how she shoots the ball. I'm a huge fan of her. Charli
Collier went to Texas, And the number one pick, so I follow. I pretty much
follow all the girls and try to keep up with the box scores and see how they
are doing each night and watch as much as I can
Jonquel Jones她的身高和她的投籃方式會讓我想到自己。我也是Charli Collier的超級
When I first started really getting into playing games almost every day, 2K
had just come out with the first one, and Iverson was on the cover. The grap
hics were just you know, next level compared to what we were playing before,
and we were roped in. We saw the future when we turned on that first one.
我們之前所玩的遊戲,這款遊戲的畫面更棒,我們完全被吸引住了 並且看到了遊戲的未