※ 引述《mingonly (你學廢了嗎?)》之銘言:
: 詹姆斯致勝三分讓勇士主場工人失去醫保
: https://i.imgur.com/ebTlMJb.jpg
: LeBron James game-winning shot against the Golden State Warriors last May re
: sulted in dozens of concession workers at the Warriors home arena, Chase Cen
: ter, losing their health care for a month.
: LeBron James在5月對陣勇士的比賽中投進了致勝一球,導致勇士隊主場大通中心的數十
: 名工作人員失去了一個月的醫療保險。
: Presently, those workers must work 10 games per month in order to receive th
: eir health care benefits. At the time of James’ shot, they had worked seven
: , with a Warriors’ victory ensuring three more contests.
: 該報導指出,勇士主場員工每個月必須工作十場比賽才能拿到醫療保險,但今年五月份
: ,勇士只進行了七場主場比賽,如果他們擊敗了湖人,能夠進入季後賽,那麼他們首輪
: 至多少還能打三場主場比賽,就能夠拿到該月醫保。
: “LeBron hitting a three shouldn’t cost people their health coverage,” sai
: d Anand Singh, president of UNITE HERE local 2. “It’s absolutely ridiculou
: s to take away workers’ health care in a pandemic over something that’s no
: fault of their own. That’s one of the reasons we have chosen to fight.
: https://i.imgur.com/sJ1Ymxl.jpg
: 大通中心公會主席Anand Singh表示:不能因為LeBron的一顆三分球而讓工人們失去了醫
: 療保險,在疫情這段期間,因為非自身的錯誤,而喪失了獲得醫療保險的權利,這太荒
: 謬了,這是我們選擇抗爭的原因之一
: https://reurl.cc/Zj7nZW
Awareness over the health care issue comes as those concession workers threaten to go on strike over a number of different grievances.
On Sept. 4, 96.7 percent of the concession workers voted to go on strike after months of negotiations went nowhere.
James’ shot crushed the hopes of Warriors’ fans, though the financial impact they might have suffered was presumably minimal. It’s clear that the concession workers can’t say the same thing.
所以以96.7%贊成決定罷工 (以迫使業主修改不合理的規定)