消息來源:(網址或出處) https://twitter.com/markg_medina/status/1444790041763475459 內容: Steve Nash said there’s no update on Kyrie Irving and what his availability might be to practice in New York considering his vaccination status. Irving was with team in San Diego and on bench for rest purposes for pre-season game vs Lakers 今日熱身賽後,籃網教練Nash接受採訪,談到Kyrie Irving的最新狀況 “目前沒有Kyrie Irving的疫苗接種情況更新,也不確定他是否可以參與球隊在 紐約的訓練。” KI跟隨球隊一起出現在聖地亞哥,也出現在了今天對陣湖人的替補席上 本場比賽,KI並沒有登場比賽。 短評或心得: Nash: 窩不知道