mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2021-10-15 14:56:54※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
No they were just an artificial simulation created by Satan’s supercomputer"
"Kyrie wont' subscribe unless those are racist supercomputers in that theory.
Dinosaurs are not real, instead it was a racist asteroid that hit the earth
and planted fake dinosaur fossils in the earth because the asteroid hated
black people."
JJ Redick:But I'm not entirely convinced dinosaurs existed. I'm not. I've come across some weird websites in my Google searches. For instance, the word dinosaur. It didn't exist until like 1842. There was no word for dinosaur. And then all of a sudden in the next 15-20 years, after a British scientist comes up with this word dinosaur and describes it in a medical journal, people started finding fossils. And I'm thinking to myself alright, humans we've been here since 10,000 BC. We've been roaming the
earth, we've had multiple empires all over the world … and all that time we didn't find any fossils until 150 years ago? It makes you think!
JJ Redick:我並不是百分百確信恐龍有存在過。 我自己用Google的時候找到過一些奇怪的網站。 打個比方,就恐龍這個詞是只直到1842年才出現的。 之前根本沒這個詞。 然後突然間,一個英國科學家發明了這個詞,還發佈在醫學雜誌上,之後的15-20年裡大家都開始發現恐龍化石了。 我心裡想 人類從公元前一萬年就在地球上四處遊蕩了,並在全世界各地建立了好幾個帝國,我們之前怎麼就沒找到過任何的恐龍化石,直到150年前才發現這個東西。 這不得不讓你好好思考一下