[外絮] Sexton想要頂薪但騎士沒興趣

作者: arod1414 (萬夫莫敵蔣智賢)   2021-11-01 23:59:35
“About two weeks before the NBA’s opening-night deadline for rookie contract e
xtensions, I was told that the Cavs and Collin Sexton were on track to get an ag
reement in place for something in the neighborhood of $20-25 million a year,” w
rote Jason Lloyd of The Athletic. “A few days before the deadline, I was told t
alks hit a ‘snag’ without any further explanation.
The Athletic的記者Jason Lloyd透露:在可以與新秀續約的截止日大約兩週之前,我被告
“The two sides ultimately parted without a deal. Preserving the relationship no
w will be key, particularly since Sexton’s 2018 draft class broke a record with
more than $1 billion in extensions. Emotions are involved when a deal isn’t st
ruck in a situation like this, given how this organization positioned Sexton for
so long. I’ve been vocal about how the Cavs have miscast Sexton in a role for
which he wasn’t suited for a number of years.
“Sure enough, Sexton’s side originally asked for the type of money De’Aaron F
ox and Jamal Murray received, according to one source with knowledge of the talk
s. Both young guards received max contracts and had numbers comparable to Sexton
, but the Cavs weren’t interested in anything close to that.”
作者: ilovekobe824 (Kobe Bryant )   2021-11-02 00:00:00
身材太差 頂就走路人吧
作者: aa01081008tw   2021-11-02 00:02:00
頂薪?? 3千萬起跳?? 騎士給就真傻了
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2021-11-02 00:10:00
作者: matthew60707 (木炎)   2021-11-02 00:15:00
太多了啦 2500一年我覺得差不多
作者: ginopun10477 (大腿牌)   2021-11-02 00:15:00
每個都要頂薪 慢慢做夢
作者: NCTUEE800808 (交大碇真嗣)   2021-11-02 00:30:00
這隻有甚麼能力頂薪 比球哥還糟
作者: aa01081008tw   2021-11-02 00:33:00
作者: wizoza872045 (gary)   2021-11-02 00:58:00
2000 不簽會後悔歐
作者: tomlin121283 (tomlin)   2021-11-02 06:06:00
作者: Aequanimitas (Paranoia)   2021-11-02 06:35:00
喊一下頂薪不虧啊 搞不好真的釣到盤子
作者: Utopiasphere   2021-11-02 08:54:00
就只是一個靠球權刷出得分的球員而已 還想領頂薪啊
作者: jack19931993 (三無少年)   2021-11-02 08:55:00
MPJ有身高 他有?
作者: hijodedios36 (boyoung)   2021-11-02 11:56:00
2500 ok 頂薪超級盤

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