※ 引述《jackie0414 (哇哈哈)》之銘言:
: https://www.nba.com/bulls/history/pippenhof_speech_100813.html
: Scottie Pippen 2010年入選名人堂時的致詞:
: Who knew that No. 23 would be here 23 years later presenting me into
: the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame? MJ, you have touched so many people’s
: lives, but none like mine. Thank you for being the best teammate; I will
推 fcuz120 : MJ人緣沒有LBJ好 不是大家都知道的事嗎?這也是為 11/05 15:42
→ fcuz120 : 何大多數的人都認為LBJ才是實質GOAT 各大媒體也只是 11/05 15:42
→ fcuz120 : 礙於MJ的資歷給他GOAT罷了 11/05 15:42
推 fcuz120 : 樓上上 妳自己翻一下過往版上討論GOAT的文章 相比 11/05 15:46
→ fcuz120 : 於各大外媒 版上版友沒有商業的包袱 都是很純粹的發 11/05 15:46
→ fcuz120 : 言 LBJ一直都是大多人心中的GOAT吧?
2019 NBA Survey
An anonymous player poll conducted by The Athletic found that Michael Jordan
garnered 73% of the vote in the G.O.A.T. race, though LeBron did come in
second place at 11.9%.2020年9月1日
2019的球員調查 73%的球員認為MJ是GOAT。
Michael Jordan (73%)
LeBron James (11.9%)
Kobe Bryant (10.6%)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (1.7%)
Magic Johnson, Allen Iverson, Kevin Durant (1%)