來源: HuffPost
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y42dc5uw
Sports Radio Caller Ignores Getting Hit By Car To Talk About 76ers' Ben
球迷Call-in講76人的Ben Simmons 車子被撞也不管
A sports fan who phoned into a Philadelphia radio station was so focused on
complaining about estranged 76ers star Ben Simmons that he shrugged off
getting hit by a car while on the air. (Hear the audio below.)
人球星Ben Simmons,對於車子被撞一點都不在乎。
“James” was patched through when he was asked, “What’s on your mind?” “
Uh, nothing, someone just hit my car,” he replied.
The incredulous Angelo Cataldi and the Morning Team on 94WIP wanted
confirmation that the caller had been in an accident. “Yeah, and they’re
driving off,” James said. “It’s OK.”
The hosts encouraged James to get a license plate number while James let them
know the other driver “swerved into my lane.”
“Anyway, I’m calling about Ben Simmons,” he said, unperturbed.
“You just got in a car accident and you’re calling about Ben Simmons?”
“Yeah,” James replied, “because he annoys me more than someone hitting my
car and driving off.”